At the same time too, there are moments where I forget memories I had with him. There are moments where I am literally laying in bed thinking "holy shit, I did all that." It took me about a month or two after he passed for things to finally hit me. I remember sitting in my therapist office telling her "I did that. I cared for him 24/7. I gave him morphine. I helped ease his passing." That hit me like a ton of bricks and honestly there was a few weeks where I went through a depression. I felt as if I was responsible (in some way..) for his death. Crazy I know, but until you are in that position, you really don't know how those thoughts could come up. I knew deep down that the cancer killed him. It took him from me. But I felt in some way that I helped the cancer, that I sped up the process. I only expressed these feelings to a few people and time after time I was slapped with a dose of reality. I was told over and over again, I just helped ease his pain. Along with feeling all these new emotions, I was also bombarded with article after article about brain cancer and the new developments in it. My heart would constantly sink everytime I read about a new therapy or a new discovery. Though the funding for research is very sparces, I felt that every article that was coming out was coming out a little too late. I felt guilty. Why didn't I try to find new cures. New therapies. Why didn't I fight for his treatment? I was jealous. People after Josh will have a fighting chance, my husband didn't. I remember going to his grave and full on ugly crying. I'm talking snot running down my face, tears soaking my shirt, and hyperventilating. I kept apologizing over and over to him. I wish I had done more. Taken him to more specialists. Made him travel to different hospitals or doctors all in search of the cure. I found myself apologizing over and over again to him. I honestly think I was out there for at least a good thirty minutes just crying. I then took a moment, collected myself and felt this weight lift off of my shoulders. I didn't need to tell Josh any of this. I knew I did everything I could. In that moment I realized, life just happens. Just like he fought hard to stay alive for me, I fought hard to keep him alive. Eventually the feelings I have towards his passing will slowly fade away and I will only focus on the good times but right now it's something that I tend to still struggle with.
So what's new with me? Well, besides the random bouts of depression and anxiety, my life has been progressing pretty smoothly. I've found myself a routine, though some days are harder than others. I have gone out, mended friendships, and made new ones. I applied and interviewed for a job, much against my therapist suggestions. I had interviewed at a preschool and passed the initial interview with no problem. But then I had to actually be in the classroom for a "kid interview" and my anxiety took over. I won't mention where I interviewed because this place has a great reputation, but quite honestly, the staff was really rude to me which caused me to feel incredibly uncomfortable and I wasn't able to perform like I really wanted to. In all honesty, I am completely out of practice in the realm of teaching and after that experience I'm not entirely sure it's something I want to do anymore. I'm still applying and waiting for that dream job but right now I'm sitting comfortably taking time for myself.
I also experienced my first vacation without Josh. Of course I vacationed when we were younger without him but the moment we got married I never wanted to go on a vacation without him. It was hard bringing myself to do it but I forced myself. I was able to go on a seven day cruise with my other mother and her daughter. We went to Costa Maya, Honduras, Belize, and Cozumel and it was so much fun.
SIDE NOTE: This is the BIGGEST advice I can give anyone dealing with mental health. Please, please please educate the people closest to you on how to deal with your episodes. They have no clue and in the moment, you can't voice exactly what you need. Examples: I hate to be touched in general, but during an anxiety attack, I only like to be touched in a certain way. I prefer for someone to hold me either really tightly from the side or just wrap one arm around me and hold me close. I also hate when people console me. "Oh sweetie, it's okay. It will be okay. It's alright." Literally drives me crazy. So I prefer for no one to say anything. I also don't like it when someone points out the fact that I am having an attack. It sounds so asshole like, but I prefer for people to ignore me. Just allow me to go through whatever is happening, lend me an arm when I need it and don't say a freakin' word. Easy peasy! Prior to going I had to figure out ways to deal with my anxiety and depression. My therapist gave me a few tips. If I was overwhelmed, just leave the situation. If I was sad, allow myself to cry. If I was feeling depression coming on, redirect myself. So I walked into the cruise prepared to deal with all of that. What helped the most is being with two people that knew exactly what to do when one of these "episodes" would come up.

Now am I dating anyone? No way. Far from it. And there is no intentions of remarrying for me for years and years...and years. But it is fun dating, it's not as scary as I thought it would be and I have been on a few since. Each guy has been open to Josh and me talking about him. Each guy has been respectful of him (minus one, but he was a douche and we don't talk anymore) and each guy treated me very well. It's hard putting myself out there and right now I have actually slowed down to the point of not dating anymore. It comes in waves and I'm definitely taking everything extremely slow. I try extremely hard to not compare the current guy to Josh but I do make it a point to ask myself, would Josh like him? Would they get along? That helps a lot, and helps to ease my pain of "moving on to fast" because I honestly think that if Josh approved of the guy, he would be okay with what I was doing. He knew more than anyone how much love I have to give and he knew I have to share that with someone.
So like the last post, this one is simple; I'm getting back to me. What makes me who I am. I'm finding out new things. I'm trying new things. And I'm experiencing life. You always hear the cliche "I'm living my life for so and so" and while I don't think my dating experiences is really me "living my life for Josh" I do believe that there is a lot of things that I am doing that allows me to live my life for him. I carry his memory with me and I talk about him with everyone I meet.
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